hehe.tringinnyeee nk minum coffee.since preggy til now mmg dh stop coffee walhal dulu nye sgt la die-hard-fan of coffee. ble je if its only a sip kan2?haha. sbnrnye xde kaitan tajuk ngan entry ni.
since smlm lg ade wonder kat my mind ni.wonder psl ape?hmmm...tu laa...wonder psl how muc my knowledge bout islam. lunch smlm we had a conversation, myself n few other muslims n non-muslims collegues. they brought to 1 this chinese cuisine restrn located sumwhr in KL. high-class nye kedai la.diorg blanje cuz promoted.hehe.so we had superlicious dimsum set :D! sume ade la, shark-fin la, abolon la, siu-mai etc2. n yg pasti kedai ni HALAL :D Alhamdulillah, da lunch was great but during makan2 sesion tu kami borak2 la.it started whn 1 of my non-muslim fren said "faeeza, u better finish ur fud, kalo x nanti u akan kene tny kat padang mahshara
(he's refering to pdg mahsyar) " then i corrected him, "padang mahsyar la", wif smiling face.
ok, its not ended there. then he started to ask about islam n padang mahsyar. he's da 1 yg explain 1st den all muslim collegues listened. die ckp, "esok2 kat sane nnt ade penimbang yg akan timbang pahala n dosa". den another non-muslim askd, "timbang dengan ape"?. sume muslims kat situ pun xtau nk jwb mcm mn. "timbang dgn ade la penimbang." i said. <-- siyesly xtau nk jwb mcm mn ok! kat akhirat esok2 br tau timbang mcm mn.
further, die tanye lagi, "kalo yg kat neraka tu, do they have like PIP?"
(Performance Improvement: Whr employee will b given a 2nd chance and justify urself during performance review). I said, "no, performance review closed. x boleh nk patah balik dah". den die kate la" in that case, u xboleh la nk justify kat God yg u ade reason nape u do such thin ex: tadi u makan x hbs sbb ade sumthin dlm mknn u. how do God kno if u didnt tell Him". take a deep breathe den explain to him," God will know. surely He know. He's the Almighty. if He's not perfect, kami x sembah Dia. tapi we know yg die perfect, sbb tu kami sembah". Den all went on silent mode. <-- btl la kan? skalipun payah nk explain, we ned to tell em the truth.esok2 ALLAH tny mcm mn?
ingtkn dh hbs kat situ. den die crita la, during his uni kat australia dlu, die ade kenal ngan sisters in islam. <-- aa sudah, sy dh la xbrp tau psl SIS ni! wat made me surprised is that, die believe SIS tu! then i told him, "no, u shud not believe in her sbb SIS tu ade yg agaisnt islamic rule. diorang xpcayekn sunnah n mayb x pcayekan al-quran jugak.
(diorg x pkai tudung sdgkn dlm Al-Quran sebut suh pkai tudung). in islam, two things u need to hold, 1-Al-Quran, 2-Sunnah Prophet Muhammad SAW."
So thr it goes my wonder. spjg drive smlm pun duk tringat2 psl conversation smlm. soalan diorg mmg simple tp susah utk d jwb sbb kdg2 kite x tfkr sume tu. n byk jugak kite tlps pndg psl issue2 yg menyeleweng islam tapi x ambik kesah. and kite mungkin juga tau psl halal n haram, mati, akhirat, sume tu pasti, tp adekah kite tau reason behind it n why ALLAH do such thin? utk renungan bersama while enjoying a sip / cup of coffee.
Sebelum kewafatan baginda Rasulullah, die dh sebut, die tglkn 2 bnde iaitu Al-Quran & Sunnah. selagi umat die bpgg pd 2-2 ni insyaAllah x sesat.