so there we go. shop til drop la. not only physically dropped but also our pocket.haha!! shian hubby.briban hbs ;p n FYI, brg2 baby ni mhl2 yeee.like hubby said 'bli brg die je ble dpt Ferrari ;p'. hehe. nevertheless, since we went during JCard day + raya sale, so mmg save a looot~~~! around rm500 save smlm! discount up to 50% for brg2 baby! so we bought those yg bsr2 n mhl2 1st ms time murah ni. herein da list:
1. Bedding sets, mattress, mattress protector, pillows, blanket.
2. Toddler Car Seat - 30% discount
3. Stroller / buggy - 30% discount
4. Portable Playpen + Cot bed - 30 % discount

* b4 discount sume rm400 lbh ye~~ huh! -.-"
So thanks to JJ for such discount.haha! n we r 1 of da last yg kua ;p ttp kdai! haha!
so how it relates dgn quickening pulak :D? haaa, yesterday, baby soooo activeee.smpai lenguh la di buatnye. mcm die pun excited la nk shopim brg2 die.hehe. n since die gerak byk sgt, i put hubby's palm on my tummy (juz nk tau whthr hubby ble rs x) den tetibe hubby like "eh2! huiyo!".die pun can feel da baby kick! haha! smpai tkejut my hubby haa. meleret cenyum. kuatnyee baby tendang, he said ;D bahagiaaaaa~~~~ :D nothing would make me happier than to see him happy :') awww~~
blk je smlm truz psg katil die ;p xsbrrrr! so now bilik baby dh shomaannn :D baju2 n botol die je blum bli lg.few mo shopim la nmpknye ;p tgu warehouse sale la.those yg tau any baby warehouse sale, roger2 ye~~