8 bln daa baby :D Alhamdulillahhhhhhh :D! Ding digeding ding ding :D!!
Had my monthly cek up on last Saturday. Hapyyyyyyyy :D! got 2 c baby inside my womb nih mmg happy moment. How time flies.8 months ++ dh baby ni :D in few weks time, insyaALLAH I’ll get to hold da baby plak :D doakan kami yeeee.
Once dh msk 8months, my cek up will b on bi-weekly / every two weeks :D Meang, I’ll be seeing my baby and Dr. Seri more frequent. Besh2 :D!
Alhamdulillah, so far baby sihat n position pun just nice utk die deliver. (dh ready dh our baby nihs.heee) Dr. Seri said, “keep on telling ur baby to keep this position smpai die nk klua nnt”.hehe. So baby, pls remain headed down and curled :D my doc also said I may experience braxton hicks in a last month before delivery. In fact now mmg dh rs stretching n tightening kat area2 uterus. Alhamdulillah for my case xrs skt sgt unlike other mom-to-bes.
Significantly, my internal football player ni is kicking more n more n sooo activeee skrg :D! geram je nk pgg kaki tgn die bile die menendang.haha! x lame dah. Can’t wait to c da baby :D! baby pum sbr neh shayam :D skeeeeeetttttttt je lg :D! Doa’in gw ya teman2 :D! smoga baby sht2 aje n d permudahkn segala urusan :D
Luse nk raye but im still stuck in KL. Hubby xde cuti so will b goin home mlm raye je :(
Ohhh, sowyy, gmbr baby xsempat upload lg. wil upload it soon, promish :D!
Alhamdulillah :)
13 years ago
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