Urinary retention can be caused by an obstruction in the urinary tract or by nerve problems that interfere with signals between the brain and the bladder. If the nerves aren’t working properly, the brain may not get the message that the bladder is full. Even if you know that your bladder is full, the bladder muscle that squeezes urine out may not get the signal that it is time to push, or the sphincter muscles may not get the signal that it is time to relax. A weak bladder muscle can also cause retention. [source: http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/UrinaryRetention/]
This is common case for vaginal childbirth. My bladder was injured ms nk push Adam klua. Once injured, the bladder forgot on how to pass urine. The moment I had this, I cried and thought I'm paralyzed. Siyesly I'm not be able to pee on my own, AT ALL!
1st few days ble pee, tp sket gle n sgt skt. So sume org ckp this is normal cuz peranakan stil tekan my bladder. After a while dah xskt dh. tp after 5days pun stil skt n mmg buncit blk la prt ni. mcm preggy! siyes! Dat day after discharged, mama panggil tok bidan la utk urut2. stil thought due to peranakan tu. Its soooo painful ms urut sbb urine tgh pnuh n org dk tekan2 pulak kn! lps urut pun skt x hlg lg! makin mjd2 skt!
mlm 2 jugak g Prince Court blk n msk ER. diorg cucuk tube den kluakn my urine. gess brp byk my urine. 3 litres okayy!!! truz kempis prt ni n soooo legaaaaa. So re-admitted 2 am kat Prince Court for a week. Hubby ambk mama n baby kat umah. Baby pn kne stay spital sbb nk bfeed die.
Diorg nak train balik my bladder yg telah tlupe cemane nk pee sdr ni. Seksa jgk la sbb kne pkai catheter ni. Pedisshhh :'( ! imagine la bnde tu psg kat tmpt nk kua urine kot. so ke hulu ke hilir duk bwk tube tu la. dh la evrytime gerak ngiluuu gleee!! nk mndi, nk mkn, nk tdo, nk jln, nk buang air bsr kne bwk beg ni bsm :'( tones of tears dah ms ni.... hubby n mama la yg plg byk bg support. ye la, kite isau xle pee sdr smpai bile2...g opis pun kne bw mende ni...dh la br lps bsalin...skt bsalin xhbs lg dtg plak skt ni..mmg btl2 dugaan la. mmg nuthin much ble wat..juz ble doa smoga ALLAH pmudahkan sgale urusan, positve n beri kekuatan la utk hadapi sume ni. Ms ni jgk byk la google psl post delivery complication ni cuz nk tau org len nye experience n nk motivate myself to be stronger la.
catheter bag a.k.a tube

Da day ms nk discaj pun mmg stil xle pee. so ms tu ckp kt nurse willing nk bljr self characterization (pkai tube sdr). xthn dh duk spital 11 hr! penat (dh xrs cam hotel dh.boring suda)! mmg redha btl la dgn ujian ALLAH ni. tawakkal je la ape nk jd. so bljr la psg tube sdr. agk susah la sbb kne cucuk sdr. gerun gleee!! dh la kne ade org pgg cermin. ye la, kang slh cucuk cemane. tp sdaye upaya pujuk hati ni. Alhamdulillah, jap je bljr nk psg sdr. so kami pun bkemas2 nk blk umah la cuz ptg tu jgk flite to KB. xsbr nk blk umah.
Once blk umah, xsmpai sesaat je trase nk pee. den g toilet tgk2 ble pee sdr w/o pkai tube!! Alhamdulillaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh :D!!! sengihhhhh gleee kat hubby n mama ckp kt diorg dh ble pee.hik2. nikmat btl! cam lps hutang sjuta! hehe. moral of da story, jgn thn kencing n hargailah nikmat yg ALLAH bg. xle nk kencing ni seksaaa tauuu!
gitu la kesah nye. so incase it hapen to u girls yg akn bsalin esok2, jgn risau kalo jd gni... bladder ni sgt la pandai. closely connected ngan our brain. so xbole tension2 (even i do! yela, nurse asyik duk tanye dh ble pee ke blum ms kt spital!), get ur loved ones to support u, n just b patience. give ur bladder time to heal, insyaALLAH ble pee blk :D Oh ye, throut this complication, kne wat kegel exercise. siyesly help ur urethra (salur kencing) to open n close.
Another moral of da story, plssssssssss apreciate ur mom n wife yg tlh brsusah pyh ni yeee :D
To dearest chenta hati yg nun jauh di KL, thanksssss a lot sygggg for being wif me :D!! be my cuddle bear whnvr i cant bear this pain...x penat mlyn honey ms honey dlm labor room n tlg honey, papah g toilet, urut, sume2 la :D
erks...pedih+ngilu...cuaks... huk (-_-")
hehe. no wories kak. kalo sy ble, msti akak pn ble ;) n xsume org ade complication ni. org yg 'btuah' je.hehe.jgn isau eh.
faeeza!! congratsss!!! sori tlmbt dpt info. kem kiss2 kt baby adam k? heeee... waaaa takutnye nk branak. haha!
thanks kak kunaz :D! hehe.dh kiss byk2 daa ;p jgn tkt, best branak :D!
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