Anddd, he got his suprises oredi last nite :D! gagaggaa. smlm i did mini-love-hunt for hubby :D let him cr hadiah ble senang2 jee dpt hadiah haaa. hehe. to hide da hadiah kemain susah. need to ask him to go out n buy sumthin. otherws kantoi laa.heee.
but before you continue to read....
Warning: sila abaikan page ini jika anda tidak merasakn cinta ;p
So herein rules of Love Journey before he begins:
1. Recite Bismillah three times :D
2. Pls get urself in red shirt and kain batik of mine. Ohh yess, kopiah as well :D
3. Bring along the camera (provided) and snap every clues as a proof :D
4. Pls write love notes to ur wife for every next stop :D
Let's see the clues:
Note: Location and clues meaning tidak di beri yeee.
1. Amalan Surah-surah harian: (12+12/ SQRT100) -50 +109.4-0.8
Location: Study room
This clue tells him to find a book "Amalan surah2 harian" and turn to page 61
2. Eve...Eve...Eeevee.....
Location: Living room
Line of dialog in "Wall E". Pls find "Wall E" cd.
3. Energy Receive Energy Return
Location: Kitchen
4. Merah Pill Rendah
Location: Bedroom
Translate to english: "Red pillow ;p".
5. Tuuuuuuuuuutttttt (opss, sorry, x ble disclose ;p)
Haha. above all, clue no.3 was da fastest yg hubby resolved!. (dasar org PETRONAS ;p hahaha.ampooon shayam). Took 30min for him to find his treasure.gagagaga~
Now let the pic do da talking plak ;p
heeeeeeeee~~ (Dini, its Portable GPS Navigator Garmin Nuvi 205 :D)
Heee. hope u lyke it~ (i kno u do! kalo x, xkn smpai melompat2 kam ;p)

ohh the love notes??? wont post it here ;p biarlah rahsia~~
Anddd his suprise tis morning, bangun2 je dh ade org wat bfast dh haaa. Tamkiuuuuuuu :D!!! ni la air tangam org laki.hahaha! ok la tew~~ ;p

cinta.... ;)