
Subhanallah, canteknyee awan :D

I’m back :D! best gleeee p honeymoon :D !!! Flew to Langkawi on 28th March and came back on 31st March. Yes, it is the MOST MEMORABLE vacation that I’ve ever had :D we stayed kat Berjaya Langkawi Beach & Spa Resort. On the arrival @ hotel, hubby did few surprises. Schweeettt :D
(sume hubby wat scheweet. Ape daaa~ ;p) ade honeymoon cake tauuu. Thanksss alott hubby! Pndainyeee suh org hotel sorok kek dlm fridge ye ;D

Later at nite, Abe asked me to get dress sbb he wana bring me sumwhere, for a dinner.
Hubby: “Honey pkai cantek2 ye mlm ni :D “
Honey: “nape??br je smpai hotel ni…”
Hubby: “cpt2, nnt tau laa :D”
Shuuuuu…weeewooweewooo…hubby drove me to Perdana Quay and stopped at Mare Blu, an Italian restaurant wic is only few minutes from our hotel.
Hubby: “OK, dh smpai daaa :D”
Honey: “Kite kt mn ni?”
Without answering me, hubby brought me in :D
Waiter: “En. Rosli?”
(Waiter tu mcm tau2 je org yg nk msk kedai die tu En.Rosli.hehe)Hubby: “ye sy :D”
Then waiter tu seat us kat tempat yg dh di hias indah dengan candle lite :D! speechless! Shayam tamkiuu!!!! Its candle lite dinner that I’ve been dreamg for ages :D! Canteekkk glee cuz facing ocean n angin2 sempoi bahasa~ plus, the weather was great! Alhamdulillah xhujan. Otherwise, xjd candle lite dinner. Hehe. Then we all mkn2 yg sgt sedap. For starter, we had - Sliced Veal "Tonnato" with Tuna Dressing, and Capers, main course - Sirloin Steak, Rosemary Potato, Tomato and Eggplant, Caponata and lastly for dessert - Ginger Infused Panna Cotta, Poach Pear and Mango Coulis. With the bacground music Titanic, Power of Love, Everythin I do I'll do it for u etc
(byk lg lagu yg die psg) lagi laa terase lomatiknyeee ;p After dinner, we walked down to the seaside hand in hand :D lagoon yg dipenuhi dengan cruise2 yg mewah
(Wish cud get 1 :( Dato’ Azhar owns one of it. Gilakk aa!). lomantik wa liou weii~~~ ;p

Sirloin Steak yg daaaappppppppp :D

Next day, early in the morning, had quick bfast @ Dayang café den off to Jetty. took 1hour to Pulau Payar. Out of 200 ppl, ONLY 3 couples je Malay. da rest sume foreigner.ish3. Snorkeling siyessslyyy besttt ever experience :D!!! den we fed baby shark
(comel gleee) and pusing2 Pulau Payar yg teramat tantekkk :D! sebijik mcm dlm discovery channel 2. 1st time tgk real coral, landak laut, ikan2 yg bmcm2 kaler and of kosh nemoooo!! subhanallah :D! luasnyee alam ciptaan Tuhan ni. A must destination if u plan to go to Langkawi tau! Luckily hubby swimmer. So xtkt sket. Beberapa kali tertelan air masen.ngeh2. Seharian kat sane den petang br blk. Tired yet ENJOY TO DA FULLEST :D!!!
@ jetty point

Our platform

snorkeling beshhhhh :D!!!!!

my hero :D

ikan tantekk :D

Mlm je kami kua jln2 dengan bantuan Mr. GPS Garmin :D memang perfect timing la bli mende 2 ;p gagagga. Keesokan harinye, we went for Mangrove tour :D best!! Pegi fish farm, bat cave, legend cave, crocodile cave, eagle feeding, Tanjung Rhu yg sgt2 la putih pntainyeee
(2008 Asia Award )and etc. pendek kate, keliling pulau la.smpai ke tengah laut! Even pegi kat bot nelayan tau! suprisingly, di tengah2 mangrove nye pulau 2, ade restoran thai yg sgt laa best! kt lua cam rumah papan nk runtuh je. msk dlm 2, fuyoooo~~ dgn airocndnye, pokok2 yg fresh.memang un-sangka-rable laaa!
Bahn Thai Restaurant

Bat Cave

Ocean kat Legand Cave/ Gua Cherita :D chantekkk!!!

Pjg pulak entry nehs ;p ok2, wil make it short ;p last day, pagi2 kami pusing2 hotel den pegi pantai kok :D den we went to cable car, padang mat sirat, pantai chenang and underwater world. Den singgah pasar malam @ kedawang b4 pegi airport. Believe it or not, 4 hari pegi Langkawi, I keep on asking hubby to find keropok lekor! Gilakkk aaa! NOOO, it’s not mengidam ok ;p Nite market kat Langkawi 7days a week tau! So hr2 kami pegi tp always smpai je dh ttp :( finally last day dpt jgk merasa kopok lekor kt Langkawi nye psr malam.gagagaga.

Pantai Kok

Berjaya Beach Resort yg sgt beshhh :D!!

nk blk daaaa :'( Bye2 Berjaya Langkawi Resort :(

Cable car :D hubby cuak naik ni ;p

Underwater world. geliii python!!!!

oh yesss, another wajib nye mende, buy choclate kat pekan Kuah :D! memang murah gleeeee.borong sakan kami ;p

Enuf2, that’s all for the BEST HONEYMOON EVER :D! we leave Langkawi, and we bring back the memories :D! gonna misssss uu!!! Till we meet again yeee :D!!!
@ Langkawi International Airport

Hubby: "shh, jgn sedih eh honey, nnt ade rejeki kite dtg lg ye ;)"

Forever Love ;)