But what do you think on the claim exercise that we’ve done before? Are we claiming as per entitlement or we claim as per receipt / wat we’ve spent only? Err, x faham ek? Hehe. Macam ni, kate kan la, I got business trip to Motors Divsision, Glenmarie on 28th Apr and as an employee, I am entitled to:
Mileage - 0.75 / km
Breakfast - RM15
OK, off to Glenmarie. Before that, isi tank RM10 dlu, then had nasi lemak for RM1.50. So in total, we spent ONLY RM11.50 (RM10 + RM1.50). Tapi kalo ikut kan entitlement:
Mileage: KL – Glenmarie – KL is 66KM. So, 0.75 x 66KM = RM49.50
Breakfast: RM15
Total RM64.5

So if we claim as per entitlement, we’ll get excess of RM53<-- byk tuuu!! wat duit~! (RM64.5 – RM11.50). Btl x? Having said that, we are actually claimed more than wat we’ve spent! Its memang x salah if u claim as per entitlement. But as for me, we should claim as per receipt cuz that wat we’ve spent. X sdap ati nak claim lebih2. dpt mileage claim tu pn dah lebih dr ckp dh. Breakfast tu xyah claim pn xpe. Different people mite have different view. No doubt and noted. But as for me, we have to be honest kan? Mmg la entitlement. Tapi, try kite fikir, kalo duit tu kite bg company wat investment (for sustainable futures as Sime Darby motto "Developing Sustainable Futures" kn ;p ) n plg pntg x rs bersalah sbb dpt duit yg sgt berlebih2-an. It’s only my view. Criticisms welcome ;) Well actually I had tis healthy conversation wif hubby n he against me! (>_<).
so wat's ur say??
me first comment kahh.. ahaks
pasal claim tewww, jujurnyer kamuuu.. kalo me, me claim based on entitlement.. we work for the company, they should provide that kind of allowance to make us happy.. baperlar sangat RM64.50 berbanding juta-juta hinggit depa dapat weiiii.. kehhh
en_me: hehe.ye, anda org pertama ;p! yup, we work 4 da compny n da company belong 2 al of us since each of us has share in it.yup,spot on. baper la sgt RM64.50 tu kn. tapi, wat if RM64.50 tu di darab dgn beribu2 employees that having same minded as mine?wud dat be such huge amount ;)?enuf for a small csr project ke, or any investmnt wic will gv beter return ;) kite perlu melihat org bwh yg lebih memerlukan duit tu ;)
haha! i was like that too also faeeza. dulu innocent jek claim ikut ape yg spent jek. stngah tahun claim camtu.
pastu my boss yg directly jumpe saye x tego nape x pnah claim lebih. i said x sdap ati sbb rs cam x honest. haha (baik la plak rase dulu)
now mmg dh spent ikut entitlement. coz according to my boss, company not only pay u base on the cost incurred. company pays u base on your effort too.
entitlement tu kre cam nk moralize staff yg selalu busy travel. sbb if diorang pnat2 travel tp stakat blk modal jek mmg akan dimoralize.
like me, pnah 1 minggu tue hari2 travel. tinggal hasben kt umah, tinggal keje kt ofis, etc. it's like compensation to what we have sacrificed.
so i take it positively lah after that. yes it may take time to overcome your guilt, but no worries dear, u'll do good after this.
anggaplah ni cam anugerah tuhan. kte wat kebaikan kt Dia, dia balas dengan pahala yg berlebih2an, bkn stakat pahala cukup makan dgn ape yg kte buat. huhu...
Kunaz - hehe.yup2. like i said, its memang xsalah claim as per entitlemnt ;) mmg not slh at all pum.akak stgh thn? sy dh stahun lbh mcm ni ;p cuz my thinkg is, non-exec (like clerk) yg kje lbh byk ms (tggl hubby n ank2 kt umah) folo boss diorg, xdpt claim2 mcm 2.kite yg exec ni melampau2 entitlemnt nye.yes,cuz we r degree holder.but stil, diorg manusia jgk ;) ok, akak byk sacrifies cuz tgl hubby sume.but how bout tos yg single yg mmg xyh tingal fmly sume?non exec yg lg sket gaji diorg, ade ank rmai (berpinak2) tp entitlemnt ciput je.hee.nontheles, my thinkg is only human based thinkg.not law-wise nye thinkg ;) good having opinions frm others ;)
org bg duit xnk plak. demo tau dop..knape sime bui 15 rial? sbb die nk suh demo make sedak2 n buat keje molek2. Kalu demo xse duit tu..sedekah je la ke anak yatim ke..masjid ke..xde la rs besalah hape. pahala pn dpt utk demo n sime ;)
if dh entitled for it, just grab. hee
knape exec n non-exec entitlement different? sbb scope keje x sama maa...
mmg yg single x tggl hsbnd/wife/anak tp sacrifice time utk blk kmpg ape..haha!!
ambo agree dgn kunaz tu
kelim?? ape2 je la...claim upenye...hoho..
bila nk dptgud news neg??
i think u put too much thinking on too little thing la babe. lek2 je babe. org ks duit raya, xkn xnk amik sbb pk pengemis xdpt duit raye. kamon babe. dont be too dramatic. life shud be easy. juz my 2 cents
yeahh glad u got that. akak just takut faeeza ingat claim lebih tu x honest jek. coz it's not really about honestly in this case.
isskk.. mendalam sgt laa faeezah nie. sampai ke thp tu awak fikir yer. tringat ade sorg member cani gak lu. she has a sorta complicated mind. huhu...
papepun akak respect jek your stand. just jgn sampai gaduh n x respect stand org lain just bcoz our views r different k.
p/s: btw akak byk "oversea" claim. everyweek plak tue. sakiiitt.. huhu... owh, kem slm kt rosli yer.
y[o]n - 2 la.sime suh ambo make sedak.haha.xpo yon, its memang xslh pn kelim ikt entltlmnt.ambo juz claim stakat hok ambo nk jah.heee.hok lain bagi2 la.sian kokre len.
Mohd Hafizd -eh2 pitya ni.kua topik neh ;p
Kunaz - yup, no wories akak.insyaALLAH balance enuf utk wat decision.xde gaduh2 eh.kne b +ve kan.dlm dunia ni mcm2 jns org ade.kalo sm xindah la dunia ;) dh kim slm dh :)
ohh yess, to mr/ms anonymous, do intro urself ya next time, appreciate dat, tamkiu ;)
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