crying...crying..crying... (cincin kawen kot... (T_T))
dah habis geledah dah da handbag..hubby oso dh give up, searching here n there.... n to make it worst, we did singgah masjid n pasar malam before balik rumah last nite.and I remember I did take out my purse kat sane.So I asked hubby to drive me to the masjid n pasar malam. along the way to the masjid, few things reflected me..
Hubby: tu la...komplen sgt masjid ni under construction la, tandas jauh la ALLAH nak tnjk la tu. xnk g masjid, alih2 kne g masjid lagi sbb nk cr cincin... ( sdih...n hubby wipe the tears..)
Al - Kisah sblm blk umah:
Otw blk umah, hubby nk singgah masjid nk solat maghrib den only p nite market. but i kep on saying masjid tu xselesa sbb under construction n askd him utk solat kt surau Giant je. tapi hubby ckp, masjid lg byk pahle n yet he's true. it juz pmpn kan biasenye byk hal sket. org laki sng je, amik wudhu' n smyg. so i just nodded my head n went 2 to masjid)
Otw blk umah, hubby nk singgah masjid nk solat maghrib den only p nite market. but i kep on saying masjid tu xselesa sbb under construction n askd him utk solat kt surau Giant je. tapi hubby ckp, masjid lg byk pahle n yet he's true. it juz pmpn kan biasenye byk hal sket. org laki sng je, amik wudhu' n smyg. so i just nodded my head n went 2 to masjid)
berbalik pada kisah cr cincin. once we arrived, we quickly cr cincin tu.nak wat ape lagi kn. tbongkok2 cr kat jalan, bwh kete sume2 la.its already 10pm. impossible la nak jumpe kan. we rushed to pasar malam pulak. same thin, habuk pun tarak...i just cant get myself calm n the only thin dat i can do is redha with everythin...its hard....truly hard (mcm urs truly pulak)...but i have to...kne redha...
sesampainye kat rumah, i sat down n cried...(susah nak redha ni..) hubby dh speacles dh..he just let me cry while he stil geledah2 my handbag......
hubby: sayang, ni ape ni? (sambil menunjukkan cincin itu)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ding digeding ding ding!!! alhamdulillaaaaaaaaaaaah :D!!!!! (smbil melompat2 xhingat nye ;p ) cincin tu kat dlm myhandbag!!!! syukur ya ALLAH. really suprise dat we found back da ring!! da weird part is, we memang cr btl2 dlm bag tu n its memang xdeeeee! btl la, ALLAH really nak tunjuk dat im not supose to complain about rumah-NYA.
so that's the story :D everything happen for a good reason kan ;D ? that's the rule of karma :D afterall, we shud be positive in everythin :D
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya." (-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286 )
bersama, hingga ke syurga, aminnnnn :D

alhamdulillah...nasib baik time nk komplen kene komplen dlm ati je kot...ehehee...
eheks comel~ mmg bengang kalu cari brg xjmpa...xpe, bykkan istighfar n baca... "allahumma yaseer wala tu'asseer watammim bilkhair" mg allah mudahkan sgalanya... lom ada feel kehilangan cincin kawen~ takotnya... mesti sedeykan? uhuhu... nauzubillah
Naqzatulshima - komplen dlm ati pun ALLAH tau kak ;p 2 ahh!! alhmdlhh, nsb baik jmpe!!
f a i z a h - hbs ayat dh sy bc kak ms dk cari2 ha.hehe.syukur la jmpe blk.heee :D
Alhamdulillah..baru je nk suh kahwin skali lg..n letak cincin spare..hehe baca mula2 ambo pulak hok cuak :P
hishh!! brg plg brhrga kot~ mujo jmpe blk
HARITH - hamboiii.byk pitis napok nk bekwah skali lg ;p duit cincin je pn bribu riban nk bli 1 lg??pokai wei loh ;p
y[o]n - meme cuak!! ambo puas tiok dh ms hilang ;p mujo2 ado rejeki lg :D alhmdlhh :D
very sweetnyerrr..
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