our photographer, jukie sms me a week before to confirm da date. n i told hubby, tis time around, we have to make it, like it or not BEFORE da tummy mengembang ;p (bli bj mahal2 xle pkai nnt ;p) plus, we memang dunwan 2 delay it anymo. dah penat delay ok!
da photograper sugested 2 do it @ putrajaya but i told him, xnak kat putrajaya cuz common d. i did few surveys on beautiful places n i've decided 2 hv it @ KTM old station n he agreed. weheee~
briefly, da session happnd last wiken on 24th May @ 6weeks of pregnancy ;p
in da morning we had an appoinment and didnt expect it 2 end nearly lunch hour. jukie called me up saying that he olredi there. i told him we mite b late cuz ade appoinment. plus, later after apoinmnt, we'l b having lunch (for certain, kalo x lapa wei loh) and zuhur prayer then proceed 2 sentul utk make-up. so probably around 3++ la baru smpai sane.
tapi tu la, kite hny merancang n ALLAH menentukan ;) bertolak from home 2 sentul took nearly an hour plus! jemmmmmm!! wat to do, redahhh jeeeee. arrived sentul around 3++ den make-up n rushed 2 ktm old station. again, jem yg amat kat kl. tau2 je la area Jln TAR.
smpai ktm stsn dh 5++. so redha je la, shoot mn yg sempat. shoot dlm sejam, tibe2..HUJAN.... sabauu jee laa.ngeh2.xpee laa, kami pasrah saja. at lez ble jgk shoot. better den nothin kn ;)? so, bsyukurrr la ;)
nah gmbau. ok ke ;p? ok la tew~~ ;p
note: ni je yg sempat upload. photog xwi sumo lg. nnt kawe rajin kawe upload lg ;p
gmbr di pg raye kot ;p

yg ni gedik ;p

emmm, ni gmbr mjlh ;p

hah, yg ni laaagi gedik ;p!

skeeeeeeeeee :D!!!

haaiii awk tuu~~ -.-"

faeeza!!!!!!congratz!!!!!! dah nk ade baby dah..alhamdulillah..what happen to "nk tunggu akak" ni?? xaci ah! ;p bdw jgn lupa dtg ek, next week. 6th june kitorg nikah, 10am, then ahad tu 12-4.
heee.thanksss akak :D !!! i2 laa, rejekiiii.tp xpee, sempat je kalo akak preggy nnt.kite preggy sm2 ek :D insyaALLAH, mjls akak priorty even ade 4 mjls pd hr n wktu yg sm! sabau je la~ hehe~
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