waaa wee woooo~~
see da ticker! 3 weeks & 5days left! hehe. I started to distribute da card since last week.
Me, fiance and Ajoe went down to Gurun, Kedah & UTP, Perak to distribute da cards.
Overly excited got to meet ex-roomate aka ex-housemate aka ex-coursemate, dearest cik sue :D
arrived at her place around 1 am and we all borak2 x ingat dunia near 5 am! maklum la byk bende nak borak. plus we r not seeing each other for quite sometime.heeee.kesian sue ;p dah la da next day keje. sowwyyy n thanksss alot atas layanan baik anda :D!
da next day, early morning we continued our journey to UTP :D once arrived, ohhhh again all-good-times-memories berlegar2 kat my mind :D we can see us everywhr :D syiok!
then met juniors, seniors, lecturers n rector :D! time flies super-duper fast til we forgot its almost 3 PM. tensionnye! x puas jmpe :( but have to rush back to KL. esok keje :(!
last weekend pulak went to Cik Yon's place to get her help 2 distribute da cards to UTPians @ KLCC. thanksss alottt cik yonnn :D! so to whom it may concern, please get ur cards from her yah ;)
Apart from that, I spent da whole weekend to visit relatives in KL (sambil2 bagi kad :)) and finished up my listing. Ready to post it yeaayy!! Please check ur mailbox yah :D
Till then, tguuu~~ ;)
Alhamdulillah :)
13 years ago
besnya bila saat itu telah tiba...kak faizah doakan smg sgalanya berjalan seperti yg dirancang dgn lancar...mg sgalanya juga dirahmati allah...
hehe.thankss akak! amiinnn :D dtg mjls sy tau! xkire!hee.sy pn doakn yg tbaik utk akak :D
syioknyeeeee org tu nk kawin! dh dekat dah ni ;)
heee.pray 4 me yah puan sarah :D!
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